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Enlarging a ring

A delicate operation requiring precision and expertise.

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Between Minutia and Savoir-Faire

This process involves several meticulous steps to ensure that the ring retains its beauty and integrity.

It all starts with a crucial step: cutting the ring. This creates the space needed to enlarge the ring. Once this first step has been completed, the ring is placed on a triboulet, a cone-shaped tool used to precisely measure the size of the ring.

The next step is to identify the part of the ring to be enlarged, taking care to measure the exact dimensions required. To fill the gap, a piece of metal corresponding to the ring's characteristics is added. This metal is generally made from the same alloy as the original ring, ensuring maximum aesthetic appeal and solidity.

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Brewing and Finishing: Essential Steps for a Perfect Ring

Once the additional metal is in place, we move on to the assembly stage, carried out using the brewing technique. This is a method in which the jeweller heats a metal until it becomes liquid. Once molten, this metal, called braze, is then applied to fill the space between the two ends of the ring. This operation requires exceptional skill, as too high a temperature could damage the jewellery, while too low a temperature could compromise the strength of the solder.

Next, the ring is loved, its surfaces worked to eliminate any irregularities caused by the soldering. This is followed by filing and sanding to give the ring a smooth, shiny appearance. The final polishing is crucial to ensure that the ring retains its lustre and that no trace of the enlargement is visible to the naked eye.