

The following Legal Notices apply to your use and browsing of our website, including all pages and other sites accessible at this address.

Business name

LAURAMAR, a company registered with the Lyon Trade and Company Register under the number 317 305 761, whose head office is located at 99 rue Edouard Herriot, 69002 Lyon, France

Head of publication

Jean-Louis Maier
99 rue Président Edouard Herriot
69002 Lyon

Right of reproduction

The information found on this site is public. Reproduction of this site’s pages is authorised on the condition that the source is cited and a link to the referenced page(s) is added. They cannot be used for sales or marketing purposes. When the data on the site is personal in nature, users can use it in compliance with current regulations and the recommendations of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL: declaration number 1398487). Any elements relating to the Brand (symbols, designs, all images, product and company references, as well as all the other site content belonging to the Brand) are protected and remain the property of each Brand.

Form data

The information collected via forms will only be used for administrative purposes and can be accessed in accordance with the provisions of France’s 78-17 data privacy act from 6th January 1978. You have a right to access, rectify and delete your personal data.

Rolex section

When you browse the Rolex section of our website, certain cookies are controlled by ROLEX SA. They are governed by the following Cookie Policy. Please see the following cookie policies for more information:

- Adobe Analytics
- Content Square

Hosting provider

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06220 Vallauris
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Legal notices updated

October 2023