A credit loan is a financial commitment and must be repaid.
Please ensure you have the necessary resources to repay any loan you take out.
For Orders totalling between one thousand five hundred euros (€1,500) and fifteen thousand euros (€15,000), the Customer can pay for their Order in ten (10) instalments with zero interest, subject to acceptance by Maier’s financial partner Sofinco.
Scale and conditions applicable on: 26/01/2025
You have a legal right of withdrawal.
Personal credit loan reserved for private customers, subject to acceptance by: Sofinco, which is a part of CA Consumer Finance, Plc with a capital of €554,482,422.
Massy Head office, 1 rue Victor Basch - CS 70001 - 91068 MASSY Cedex, France - 542 097 522 Evry Corporate and Trade Register. Insurance intermediary registered with the Register of Insurance Intermediaries with the number 07 008 079 (available for consultation at Optional insurance provided by CACI Life dac (Death) and CACI Non-Life dac (Total and Irreversible Loss of Independence, Permanent and Total Invalidity, Temporary Total Incapacity to Work) and Fidelia Assistance (assistance). CA Consumer Finance is a banking establishment authorised to conduct its business by the French Prudential Supervisory Authority.